Build the future you deserve
Are you feeling stuck in a rut?
Is the excitement drifting away?
Is there too much work for too little fun?
Build the future you deserve
One of the best things about running your own business is the freedom to do things your way. You get to make the decisions not carry out someone else's.
But you pay the price of a heavy workload. The buck stops with you. You're responsible for the work, the team and keeping the order book full. So you accept the long days even if sometimes, that means less time with your family.
That's alright for a while when you're building the business, but not forever.
Now you're a few years in and you've made a lot of progress and built a business you're proud of. But as growth slows you can start to feel stuck in a rut.
Welcome from Jon
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Imagine the business you dreamt of the day you told the boss you were off to start up on your own. What did the vision look like? How did it make you feel?
Now think about what's blocking that dream from becoming your reality.
All businesses are different but the restraints holding them back are similar. Business owners are so caught up spinning the plates they don't have time or energy to see the small changes that separate the average from the successful.
You would think your accountant could help and point you in the direction. Yet instead of showing you how to improve your future, they focus on your past. Sure yesterday's numbers keep the tax man off your back. But where's the help in improving tomorrow's bank balance?
The irony is, that lost in those numbers is the key to unlocking your potential. But they have to be up to date and accurate and it helps to bounce them off a specialist.
Those numbers contain hidden patterns. Patterns that when recognised can unlock the changes that transform futures. The most successful business owners don't succeed by working harder. Just know where to focus. They can see the low-effort, high-impact changes that need to be made.
If you are ready to move forward here's my challenge to you. Get in touch today and make an appointment to sit down with me. But you must bring two things with you.
1) Make sure you carry the vision of your perfect business with you. The vision of the life you want your hard work to create for you. If we don't know where you want to get to, how can we help you on your journey?
2) Don't forget the numbers. Bring your last year-end accounts along so we can interrogate the figures and unearth the opportunities to unlock your potential.
I won't tell you how to run your business. I'll ask you the questions that help you find the insight and clarity to see the opportunities hiding in plain sight.
So what's stopping you? If you are ready to put the effort in and get your business working for you click the link, put a time in your diary and take the first step in creating the future you and your family deserve.
Go on, click on the white button below now, before you get distracted.
Build the future you deserve
Click on the button below to book a 45-minute Zoom meeting with Jon
Tell him how your business is performing today, your frustrations and what your dream business looks like.
He'll listen, ask you questions and help you overcome the obstacles holding you back.
Build the future you deserve
Click on the button below to book a 45-minute Zoom meeting with Jon
Tell him how your business is performing today, your frustrations and what your dream business looks like.
He'll listen, ask you questions and help you overcome the obstacles holding you back.