Running your family business

There’s something very special about running a family business, a distinct set of dynamics you don’t see in run-of-the-mill businesses.

Family Businesses

When you work closely with those you love, the best interests of the business can come second to what’s best for your husband or wife, son or daughter. When it goes well there is nothing better than working with people you love and trust.
But even the closest families can fall out when you take your eye off the personal dynamics.

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in 2021, 80% of SMEs were defined as family-owned businesses, up from 77% in 2020.

The last person in the world you want to upset is your husband or wife, brother or sister. So it's easy for important issues to be ignored.
Worse still when you do sit down to discuss the elephant in the room emotions can run high. The strength within a family business can become its biggest weakness. 
Naturally, when you welcome onboard the next generation, your children or nieces or nephews there’s even more potential for tension to grow. It’s hard being a boss to the people you love.

Running a family business myself, I understand the importance relationships play. It’s often the lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities, issues so difficult to broach, that cause problems.
That’s why it helps to work with someone who understands the stresses and unique opportunities. Someone independent who can ask difficult questions and has your best interests at heart.

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